parents pension and inheritance


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My Dad has a non contrib pension from state and a small private pension. My Mum has a part contrib pension. My Dad has inherited some money and has pain CGT on this. Is His entitlement or my Mother's entitlement to the state pension affected by their new means?
Isn't it only the non-contributory pension that's subject to a means test? However I'm not sure what you mean by "part contributory pension". Maybe you could explain. Does this Welfare page help at all? I presume you meant that your father paid Capital Acquisitions Tax on the money and not CGT?
I don't know anything about state pensions and am only saying part contrib as I think Mother had not enough ? contrib to get the full benefit. Yes It must be C.A.T that was the inheritance tax.Does it mean that my father would have to give up his non contrib pension because of the gain?
If your mother's pension is based on her past PRSI contributions then it should not be subject to a means test. Your father's non-contributory pension is most likely subject to a means test and you would need to refer to the link that I posted above or contact Welfare to check what impact his windfall might have on his claim.