Parents have offered me part of inheritance; should I go for the dearer of two houses

Re: Parents have offered me part of inheritance provided I buy dearer of two houses

Remember, if your parents die within 7 years of gifting you this money, you will be liable for capital gains tax. Something to consider.
Re: Parents have offered me part of inheritance provided I buy dearer of two houses

Remember, if your parents die within 7 years of gifting you this money, you will be liable for capital gains tax. Something to consider.

Re: Parents have offered me part of inheritance provided I buy dearer of two houses

"Remember, if your parents die within 7 years of gifting you this money, you will be liable for capital gains tax. Something to consider."

Is there a "what the ****" smilie we could use for ill advised, ill considered, ill thought out, etc.,etc advice like this?


Re: Parents have offered me part of inheritance provided I buy dearer of two houses

I rent in maynooth and want to buy there in the future. I would not buy either house just yet. Sale agreed is meaningless.

I have not seen a house in Maynooth sell for a long time, wait it out a bit longer.

Silken Vale is one of the nicer estates in the town but the prices are still way over valued. Its just not worth the money.

Pleanty of rental options in maynooth wait it out a little bit longer, the prices have barely dropped there yet. I'm been watching them.