Panasonic TX-P42X20L ... prices !


Registered User
All, Just wondering if this is the norm or just something about me !??

old tv has packed up and need to purchase a new one - went for the Panasonic TX-P42X20L after a quick look around so went around looking to price them up today.

Went into 3 stores - all stores showed different prices with a 5 year Panasonic guarantee. 2 stores would not budge on price and when explained the differences in prices were not interested and suggested I went to the lowest price shop. 3rd shop - salesman went straight to the computer and offered me 50 euro off .. cool .. only when I called back he had left for the day and his sales buddies won't give any discount now (naturally they think i'm lying ..)

Anyway .. my point is that these stores always offered me reductions before when buying goods so why has that stopped? are prices at rock bottom ?(can't be if the salesman could knock 50 euro off) .. maybe I just look like someone that won't haggle (I do hate haggling)

i found the set for 90 euro cheaper online but not sure about purchasing a TV online ..

has anyone got this set or any opinion on it?

thanks !