Palm Pre


Registered User

These have been out a while now....does anyoine have one?

Any opinions on them? Pros and Cons?


I have one since xmas, battery life very poor on it, if you get a day you'll be lucky, can be hard sometimes using touch screen as it is very sensitive and very easy to hit the wrong app...pros- not too many, looks good, easy to text and pick up e-mails..HTH
I got on a few weeks ago and am generally pleased with it. After upgrading the OS a couple of days ago, the battery life has gone down. Wifi seems to eat power.

- run more than one app at a time.
- It has a proper keyboard (though some people might prefer the iphone style one)
- I prefer it to my ipod touch, but that's just my personal opinion.

- I had to pack out the battery compartment with a bit of card to stop it switching itself off. This is fixed now.

I would recommend it.
I used one for a few weeks but found the keypad very small and keys aren't raised enough - maybe I just have fat fingers. Have tried out most of that style of handset and found them all to have very poor battery power. I've settled on a Nokia E72 as touchscreen isn't important for me.