Palm Pre vs Samsung Jet vs iPhone


Registered User

Currently looking at smartphones on the market and these three have stood out as the most viable candidates. I know there are a few others but these seem to get the most coverage online. However, as far as I can tell, they all have good and bad aspects to them:

Jet – quite a nice phone, however, after using one for a little bit I found the touch screen to be a little sluggish and the UI could be better (kept accidentally hitting the dial screen icon!), Maybe it’s just my fat thumbs

Pre – sounds really really interesting. However, most reviews cite the synching from gmail and facebook as problematic. Some don’t like the phone design. BUT, its Os seems to get some nice thumbs up. My main issue is getting anything version 1.0, there are always too many bugs. Maybe it’s next generation phone will have ironed out it’s main issues.

Apple – while they look and are pretty damned slick, I have no apple products and am slightly loathe to convert everything to itunes etc.

Anyone have any experience with the Jet or Pre (as I have seen enough iPhones to know all about them!!)
