Pal pouches - have they stopped selling them?


Registered User
Hi, recently have realised that they no longer have the multi pack in the PAL POUCHES (300g) "fresh meat chunks".

So started buying the single pouches circa 90c to €1. Have now noticed that the stock of these are getting very low.

This has been the case in Supervalu (Large one), tesco in tallaght (only have tinned pal - no single or multipack pouches), and again in Londis.

nyone else notice this? Have they stopped making this product or have the shops stopped stocking it?

thanks for all replies
50 people have viewed and not one response........ am i therefore right in thinking that PAL has gone to DOGGY HEAVEN!!!

P.s. Sorry clubman i am not trying to bump this up the list, have tried in another forum and also came across no answer and it has been up for a few days now.
Perhaps C&D( partially destroyed by fire in Longford and shut for a number of weeks) were making it for PAL. I see in my local Tesco's a notice about certain pet food lines being unavailable
as far as i know pal is made by masterfoods ireland as per this website [broken link removed]

unless c&d were subcontracted which is quite possible. Will make enquiries with Tesco and will report back!

BTW Clubman 4 hrs 24 mins is long when i finished work today at 4 and have no pc at home at present (accident involving other half and a cup of tea --- plus many arguments due to all my lost work )

waiting on dell to deliver new one and as i am the impatient type was just hoping to get an answer before the weekend!
the Chicken pouch is still being sold to the trade (the tescos, dunnes, etc).
However what you do find is that many retail outlets limit the range they hold onto.
I'm finding shortages in my usual range of catfood as well ; since this started within a week of the fire in C&D my guess is it's related to supply. Now being driven demented as cats are creatures of habit and don't take kindly to having their food changed - tempted to leave her go hungry for a bit!
spotted the pal pouches in the Supervalu in Drogheda, yesterday... so maybe try your local supervalu...
We were also recommeded by our vet to stay clear of tins and pouches of pet food for our dog. She only gets dry food now with the occasional tin of tuna. The soft food contains a lot of chemicals and ash. Also, the dry food can help slow down or stop the development of arthritis in the dog's later life. As previously mentioned the dry food is also much better for a dog's teeth.
So if you can't find the Pal pouches, maybe it's a good time to switch over to dry food.

Hope this helps.