Painting quotes


Registered User
Hi folks,
I have just received a quote for painting a quite small section of a flat that has surprised me to say the least:

  • Full ceiling downstairs (size of an average living room (250-300 sq ft)
  • Half of the walls dowstairs (kitchen area is already tiled so not applicable)
  • 2 small rooms upstairs (approx 150 sq ft) (one coat only)

The ceiling and walls downstairs are being re-plastered so he is saying 3 coats are required. The upstairs is just a freshen-up

Quote was €1800 including paint. Now maybe I'm missing something but that sounds daft to me. The guy that quoted that is also quite a handy guy that is useful to keep on board, but I'm reluctant to go with this price if I'm paying a premium. Any suggestions out there?
Ask him how much the paint costs and how many days it will take and does that price include tax (income/PRSI/VAT).
Then do the math and see if it's reasonable.
I know its not comparing like with like but I got a quote to spray paint a 3000 sq ft house, came in at 2500... that was for white ceilings and cream walls(3 coats!).
I decided to paint it myself, over 3/4's way through and it isnt that bad time wise/energy etc and I went for good old fashioned normal roller etc.
If its a small area do it yourself you'll be surprised how quick you get through it.
Appreciate the feedback but it is impossible for me to do it myself. I have my own business which is taking up a huge amount of my time, while also having a 2 year old and 6 month old. added to that I am travelling abroad on business for the next couple of weeks, I certainly won't be doing it myself
Whereabouts are you based amgd28?
I recently got my house painted (1300sq ft) , all newly plastered walls, all woodwork and the front exterior for 2000. This included the paint. guy did an excellent job.
I can pm you his details but as far as I know he only covers certain areas. If they suit I would definitely shop around as that seems very expensive.
There is a east european guy who my parents used who was very good- you get the paints and he was about €120 a day I think. I could get you the number if you like.
Sorry amgd28 he only does Northside Dublin and maybe Louth. Seriously though shop around cos that price is ridiculous!
Try or - you might someone on there.
Well - an update. Got a quote from a painter recommended by lightswitch in this thread
Quote was 3200 + VAT, which is nearly double the quote I received.

I think at this stage I'll go with the original quote, despite my misgivings
Get out the Golden pages and pick a couple of local contractors and then compare a few prices.
Anywhere I can do a course in painting and decorating? I sure am in the wrong game....!
Get out the Golden pages and pick a couple of local contractors and then compare a few prices.

Well there is a lot going on at the same time so if I wasn't trying to get everything done and dusted at the same time I might consider doing this, but to be honest I need to put a price on my time as well and at the moment, 1800+VAT to have the place ready for viewing for next week is probably worth it.
Anywhere I can do a course in painting and decorating? I sure am in the wrong game....!

The paint isn't always greener on the other side. I wouldn't do it for love nor money. It amazes me how many people self build and attempt the painting themselves. You can spot am amatuer job a mile off and it can badly let down an otherwise well built home.
If your interested it'll only take four years to qualify.

I've worked at sash window restoration for some years now and the amateurs paint jobs are the ones that really make my hair stand on end.

Nothing worse that for me or a fellow professional to walk into a house and be told by the proud owners that they saved themselves thousands by doing the painting by them selves and they ask me what do I think of the job.

Then there's an awkward silence.
I just paid 3200 for total internal repaint of 2200 sq ft house, including paint. All walls + ceilings emulsion x 2 coats or 3 in some cases. All woodwork 1 coat satincoat or varnish. Lots of making good beforehand on the walls including couple of buckets worth of filling and some taping of ceiling joins. All surfaces sanded. Some of the paint was new shades so off the shelf Dulux (dearer), rest was mixed.

Very neat and clean job, looks class.

Now thinking I got a good deal.
I know someone who just got 3 quotes for a large hall stairs & landing that had wallpaper on it - quotes came in as follows:

1 - €2300 (paper stripped, no woodwork done, paint not included in price)
2 - €2600 (paint included, was told no need to strip wallpaper as it is vinyl and stuck on well, woodwork included and primer included for on top of wallpaper)

3 - €900 - (woodwork included, neither paint nor primer included)

she has gone with quote number 3
I just paid 3200 for total internal repaint of 2200 sq ft house, including paint.....Very neat and clean job, looks class.....
Now thinking I got a good deal.

That sounds like a steal, I wouldn't do it for twice the price!

In relation to professional vs. DIY painting: I do all the painting in our own house and do a very good job, I believe BUT only after watching many a good professional painter at work on sites over the years and picking up the "tricks of the trade". I wouldn't like to be earning a living at it though, it's hard work.

To be fair Carpenter, you are a qualified craftsman with years of working with your hands, not exactly your average DIY-er.