Painting outdoors


Registered User
I was wondering would anyone know how to get yellow paint off corrugated sheeting on a garage door. I presume its spray paint that kids sprayed on. I was going to paint silver hammerite onto it but I would suspect that it wont cover it up. They will probably do it again so if their is anything I can put on it to stop the paint sticking sytaying on it that would be great.

Also, if anyone can help me on this one. I have constructed an outdoor shed with treated ( presumably dipped in protim ) timber. Before putting it up I put on a wood preserver as an addition to the treatment the timber got. I want to paint it now with a gloss paint but it has been suggested to me to first use Aluminium Wood Preserver before painting gloss. Is this sensible or neccessary or am I overdoing it? Any thought appreciated! The reason I want to use Gloss is bacause I want to match up with an old fence thats there and it was painted in a grass green that I can only seem to find in gloss.

As for painting shed, you can get decorative coloured wood preservatives/ treatments that come in a range of colours, Ronseal and Cuprinol do both (Fencelife?). If you were trying to overpaint oil based treatments like Creosote, then using aluminium wood primer is recommended to stop the oil bleeding through the top coat. I wouldn't use gloss as it's only suitable on planed, smooth timber. Better off going for one of the paints I mention above as they will still allow the grain of the timber to show through.

As for protecting your garage door from grafitti. You can buy special grafitti resistant paints which when attacked allow the grafitti to be washed off. But these are expensive specialist paints that you won't buy in B&Q.
Hi Carpender

Thanks for your very quick reply. Its Sadolin wood preserver I have already put on which I think is oil based. The timber is planed/smooth. Would it be advisable to use the Aluminium Wood Primer then before I use any of the others you suggest or just if I went the Gloss Route?

In relation to the grafatti, where can I source these paints you mention?
I didnt know their was such a thing!

Thanks a million!
When I say oil based I should qualify that statement. Gloss paint is oil based but it also contains binders and driers which means the paint will dry and won't remain wet or "oily" so to speak. Creosote does not contain any driers. Creosote however can contain, among other ingredients, mineral oils, not disimilar from engine oils etc. These oils will not dry out or harden even though they may wash out or dissipate over time. .Aluminium primer is recommended for painting wood treated with creosote (or contaminated with oils) as it blocks out the oils and gives a fine mechanical key for subsequent coats of oil ;) based paint.

I don't know of any Irish made anti grafitti paints, try the Golden Pages for suppliers of industrial coatings or trade paint shops, I'm sure they could help you. Alternatively try the dulux website, they have a very good technical service (Dublin based) which will address any unusual painting problems, I've found them very helpful in the past.
Anyone know how to remove spray paint grafitti from walls?