painting my house

window doc

Registered User
hi all
getting the house painted by a local firm just wondering is anyone gettimg it done and how much is it costing you!
im getting a 4 bedroom bungalow and perimeter wall which is about 250 feet also the gutters cleaned and a loose block repaired.
Had a quote of 3k just wondered on anyone elses views weather they thought this is reasonable, He is also looking for half the payment when he starts another 25% half way through and the rest on completion, Is this normal practice.
Sounds a bit expensive to me.. is the wall dashed or plastered? It's fair to ask for a deposit but, on a painting job i think it's taking the you know what to ask for another 25% half way through it's not as if the job is going to take several weeks to complete
Whats involved?Do you have wooden facsia/soffits, is it 2 coats finish on everything, how many colours.What brand of paint etc etc.
It sounds fair enough if he's carrying insurance and paying people on the books.
I'd give him 3 stage payments, 33% start,1/2 way and finish.
All exterior work Clubman,
  1. cleaning out of all guttering, any repairs to same
  2. to paint perimeter garden wall approx 250 long and 5ft high,
  3. powerwash o/s of house and paint on previously unpainted rendering with yellow masonary paint, (hse approx 1600sq ft)
  4. paint all sills, reveals,plinths in white exterior gloss,
  5. remove and refit loose block near front door.
Painter says its a 2 man job and weather permitting will take 5-6 days. Is €3000 cash reasonable?
From what you said first it sounded like he was only cleaning out the gutters and painting but seeing as he is possibly doing a lot of repair work (are the gutters leaking at the joints etc..?) Still the 2nd stage payment for a job like that bothers me. This kind of payment would be standard on a large/long term job but on a weeks work? Also just be careful that he isn't going to hit you for more money for extra repair costs on the facsia/soffits & gutters etc....
He's providing all the materials. I wasn't unduly concerned about the 2nd payment - it was the 1st that frightened me!! Materials aren't going to come to €1500. He appears to be a legitimate contractor, insured and all. He didn't solicit my business, my wife spotted his van outside a bank in Waterford and took down his details.

My fascias/soffits are all PVCu - and yr right Irish Fire, the gutters are leaking in a couple of places at the joints, not sure if this is due to rubbish in the gutter or whether certain parts need replacing.
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