We have small to average 4 bed semi-d in village in North-West, c.1200 ft. Half pebble dashed-so that part not to be painted. Currently getting quotes for external painting, white weathershield, white trim including chimney. Not including power-washing, but painter to supply paint and must be insured. Quotes seem very high. Any guide prices please?
west of ireland, just heard one last night, powerwashed and painted (not a great job done though in my opinion) €450 (dont know does this include the paint or not), I was shocked at that price as i seen the two men doing it and they def did it in half a day. We'v a bungalow and I do it myself with a small radiator roller and takes about four days in total, I do a wall a day.....3 men painted a house yesterday in few hours.
Hi, the amount of paint required *may* be high, depending on the surface been painted.
Ask the painter(s) how much paint is required - labour should be in around €120 per day - think that is what it averaged out for me when I was getting my house painted externally this year...
Just in case anyone is reading this and contemplating power washing, note that if done incorrectly, power washing can do more harm than good. Also, you should allow sufficient time before painting to allow the building dry out. Power washing will force water into joints, cracks, etc., over-painting this before it dries can lead to problems.
Leo, I agreed my husband first year powerwashed the gutters etc and on doing it "blew" a hole in the cement stuff under the tiles at the side, this led to water seeping in and mould growth in that corner of the walk in wardrobe, luckily taking down the christmas tree box I spotted it. After that handsponge and elbow grease does the job.
Just spotted a painter today painting a community building and its been showery all day.
Quick update for anyone interested. Getting job done early next week for €550, supply of Dulux Weathershield included. Contractor is insured and has good reputation.
Purchasing few more kitchen units, got quotation from same kitchen shop originally purchased both in 2006 and 2008 and what a shock I got as I didnt purchase there and then as though price very expensive (to what Id calculated it €650 as to about €400). Home I go and took out original receipts and everything gone up, one item by €38. I emailled the company and they said immediately they'd do the prices for the ones on my 2008 receipt. While I want the units I feel this was very unfair of them, douth I would have got any money back had I paid them.