paint removal....please help!


Registered User
Im hoping somebody has a solution to offer me...
moved into a new house a few months ago, getting on really well with the neighbours until my four year old got hold of a paint roller covered in cream paint...The little devil went next door to their lovely red brick house and rolled paint all round the edges of their front door on the bricks!!
We are absolutely mortified as im sure you can imagine.....Anyway we tried white spirit, fairy liquid, brick cleaner, pressure washer etc..... Nothing is shifting it!
Can anybody help?? It is emulsion paint.
I used a special acid from a company in the UK to restore the red bricks on my house back to their original colour after they were painted. I have a bit left over and if he's only covered a small area I can give you a bit of it if you can collect it from Crumlin. I'd say this stuff will get the paint off alright. PM me if you want it.
Yes - fair play, good offer.
On the subject of paint removing, does anybody know how I will remove gloss paint that accidentally dripped on to the wash-hand basin and cistern cover in bathroom when I was painting? This was a while back, so it's well and truly stuck on now!
Razor blade or scraper for the gloss paint on the cistern. It should pop right off.

You could try sanding the emulsion paint off the bricks, but might be a tough job. Shouldn't have bothered with the white spirit.
A similar thing happened to us possibly 15 years ago where a young neighbour grabbed a hold of the paint brush that we were using and proceeded to paint cream paint on the red brick. Its still there (slightly) to this day despite weather etc. As they have moved house and he is now in his 20s it still makes me smile every time I see the stain.
Hi all,
thank you all so much for your help, and ohpinchy that was a really kind offer!
Rang a painter mate of mine who came over with some stuff called nitromores(???)
Cleaned it right off!! Is this the stuff you have ohpinchy?
Nitromors is a widely available paint stripper, any paint or DIY shop will stock it. I believe the stuff OhPinchy was offering is a more heavy duty and elusive product.
Yep, I was offering NB-410 from Strippers Paint Removers (details in other threads here) which I imported from the UK on a pallet with some Klingstrip which did a truly fantastic job on my stairs. The NB-410 is super gear and Leo is right - far more heavy duty than nitromors, but glad to hear you got it sorted.
Oh Pinchy, would you say this is the stuff to get to remove paint from walls? I think I've got about three layers of old paint (it looks like oil paint almost) on my walls which revealed itself under the wallpaper... It chips off easily in some areas but sticks rock-solid in other areas. I have tried everything and I'm exhausted! I would leave it on, only I get a feeling that it totally suffocates the wall underneath...
Any advice most welcome.
Unless your house is very old, I doubt if it has oil paint on the walls. If it's an emulsion paint, just paint over it. Don't try to strip it off as you'll never get a smooth finish.
Oh Pinchy, would you say this is the stuff to get to remove paint from walls? I think I've got about three layers of old paint (it looks like oil paint almost) on my walls which revealed itself under the wallpaper... It chips off easily in some areas but sticks rock-solid in other areas. I have tried everything and I'm exhausted! I would leave it on, only I get a feeling that it totally suffocates the wall underneath...
Any advice most welcome.

Be careful if it's old paint - depending on how old, it could contain lead, so don't sand it.
I might just try and get the remaining paper bits off and then smooth over it with some smoothover DIY plaster thing to get a smooth finish. THanks for all the advice!