paid LPT using visa debit card, though it would come out immediately


Registered User
Hi there

I paid the LPT the other day with a visa debt card and told no further action was needed for 2014. I was under the impression that the amount would be deducted from my account the next day but this hasn't happened yet..

Any info welcome.
By what method did you pay?

If you paid online, did you get an acknowledgement email confirming all has been paid? I paid by this method..........the amount came out of my account straight away and a confirmation email was received within 5 minutes.

Did you ring and pay by phone? If so, the person processing the transaction should have done it straight away for you. The payment then should have come straight out of your account if you paid by Visa Debit.

To be sure, I'd give them a call to check it out. It'll be no fun if you are hit with a penalty down the line!
hey guys thanks for the responses

yeah got an acknowledgement email straight away that all was good and no further action was needed.

anyway rang them this morning to double check and it shows up with revenue that it is paid....just must be a bank not updating details on their long as revenue are paid that's main thing.

thanks again.