Paid for hotel in Dollars but was charged in euro


Registered User
A few days ago I booked a hotel in Argentina through Hotel1800 and requested and paid for the hotel in american dollars as it was nearly €100 cheaper. I got an email back confirming the booking and the price in dollars only but now i see on my credit card that I,ve been charged differently about €100 more when you convert the currencies. I got in touch with then but they bounced me around to various internal departments who'll "look in to it". Has anyone had anything similar happen to them and what was the upshot, btw Roomex are the same if you click on the dollar symbol on the site then the exact same hotel package is available for around 20% less than paying in euros.
Your credit card statement/ bank will copnfirm the US$ amount charged and the rate of exchange applied. Or possibly that you have been charged in € directly.

Assuming the US$ amount in not the same as on your email of confirmation, report this to your credit card company immediately and start building a case to protect yourself. Then call the tour operator again, and let them know that you will instigate a "charge back" procedure with your credit card company if they don't honour the agreed "consideration" agreed contractually.

I have come up against this a number of times, where systems will re-price against a local market rate, defined by country of residence. I have always won, but it is a total headache.
Hi, if you are quoted in USD or any other currency, you pay in that currency. Any translation will be done by your credit card company.

Hope this helps ?
... if you are quoted in USD or any other currency, you pay in that currency. ...
This would be my experience as well, plus cc company forex commission on non-euro transactions (varies from 0.75% to about 1.75%)