Here's one: PRSI relief on pension contributions made out of net income (as opposed to via payroll where they would receive tax and PRSI relief at source) after income tax relief has been claimed first.
You can possibly be entitled to a PRSI refund .
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Here is a sample of what it says : Possible refund of Health Contribution
Where an employee's weekly pay fluctuates above and below €500, but the annual pay during 2009 is not more than €26,000, the employee may claim a refund of the 2% Health Contribution deduction, or where an employee's weekly pay fluctuates above and below €1,925, but the annual pay during 2009 is not more than €100,100, the employee may claim a refund of the 0.5% Health Contribution deduction from the
Department of Social and Family Affairs
PRSI Refunds,
Oisín House,
Pearse St.,
Dublin 2