Hi All,
I am currently a regular PAYE employee. However, prior to this I was the sole employee of a limited company of which I was director. Im still paying emergency tax as I have not completed a P45 form. Does anyone know if this can be obtained online or should I just ring revenue? Is this then just given to my current enployer on completion or sent to the revenue?
If you ring revenue they will send you out a blank form P45. Fill it in with the details of your salary as a director to the date you ceased. Send part one into your local tax office and give the remainder to your new employer.
based on the fact that you dont know what you should do in this position and the fact that you were the only employee of the company, there is a very real possibility that you wont know how to fill out a form p.45. based on the status of your company you may/may not have had a financial advisor/accountant. if you have they should be able to help you to fill out a p.45. if not you should get proffessional advise.