Owner of site removed trees from council land-What can I do


Registered User
Background: Our housing estate is known in this built up area of Dublin to unusually have a lot of mature deciduous trees. A real asset.

There is an empty site which has been empty since estate was built in 1999. Last december I went out to see a tree surgeon removing two mature trees (20-25m) from adjoining council land to the site. I challenged them and they said the site owner was removing them as they were in decline and a danger to children. I'm not a tree surgeon but the trees looked hale and healthy. I contacted the council and they confirmed no permission was given to remove trees and they would investigate.

Now last week I see planning permission has been posted on the site for a house.

Clearly the trees were removed to help the planning decision later.

Can I object on the grounds that the applicant has already shown no regard for the environment around the site and if planning was to be granted there may be more damage to trees.

I have never objected to anything before but I want to make a point of this to deter anyone else doing something similar here.
Do the Council own the land? I really can't see them stopping the planning permission on the grounds that they removed couple trees. It's a pain but a vacant site in Dublin is a rare occurrence and it was bound to be developed.
Is this in SDCC by any chance? I had the need to talk to someone in their "trees" department a few years ago and got the impression that they were real tree-huggers and would take the above very seriously if you got in touch with them!