Home Owner move to nursing home. Who becomes insuree


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Mother has moved to nursing home. The house is now being lived in and looked after by two of her children (i.e. bills changed and paid by) who have lived there on and off since birth. There are more children and grand children who 'come and go' for periods so it general it's a reasonably busy home. Who should apply for insurance and how do they answer the 'How long have you been living at the address' question. Are there penalties or indeed gains to be made by being 'legally imaginative' (for want of a better word) with how things are phrased/answered ? For instance, one child is 8 years older so may put the insurance in their name if they give cheaper quotes for older person and vica versa.
You need to talk to the insurer in question. forget online quotes. most insurers will note it as being owner occupied if its family living there and not paying rent.
I would argue that your mother must remain as the insured party on the house insurance for the simple reason that no-one else has an insurable interest in the home if it burns down or is damaged.

As the home owner, (any mortgage ?) in the event of a claim cheques will be made payable to her in order to re-coup her losses / repair damages. Why would you want it any other way?