The Liquidatior applied to the DETE for your arrears of wages, holiday pay, min notice etc. He would have applied based on what you are owed. The DETE would have capped the payment and the Liquidator would have passed on to you the capped amount (less taxes etc).
The claim for your balance will rank as preferential creditor in the liquidation. Should there be a dividend payable you maybe entitled to a portion. However, dividends resulting out of a liquidation are few and far between but it really depends on how the Liquidatior gets on with the asset realisation.
I would suggest that you write to the Liquidtior and ask him to confirm balance they have registered against you in respect of your pref claim (i.e. amounts owed above your statutory). The Liquidator will have these details and should be able to confirm same.
Also, as a creditor the Company you are entitled to receive notice of the Liquidation's AGM, i.e. where the Liquidatior will report to the creditors regarding the events of the previous 12 months. You can however seek interim updates, however it will take some time until the Liquidatior is in a postition to say that there will be a dividend payable to the creditors of the Company.
I hope this helps.