owed money - high court


Registered User
I am oweda lot of money from a person. i gave the money to them around 5 years ago on the understanding i would get it back when they won??? a case through the high court. I am unsure where the case is and do not like asking. how long do these cases usually take?it has being over 5 years now!would these people have had a lot of expenses etc solicitors fees etc as they would not be in a situation to pay these?it is an employment case but i am not sure what is happening. i need the money back now as in financial mess. i am nervous of approaching person as i am embarrassed and nothing has being said about it to me, just that it should be sorted soon!!!thanks u
Cannot understand why you are nervous and embarrassed. It's your money, which you agreed to lend, you should be entitled to know when you will be paid it back. If they are your friend then there is no reason not to ask them.
@cornflakes1 - if there has been no acknowledgement of debt AND six years pass since loan was given - you will not have an action against X.

That is your issue. You will have to engage.

Go to the courts website - put in the surname of either your associate or defendant and see what comes up.
hi wizarddr!!
Thank you for replying and the other poster too!!!I have put both names into high court website and have not seeing name??im not sure if im doing it right thou, its in the high court so i go onto high court website, have u any advice regarding this??if name does not come up does this mean that case is stagnated or not being pursued??thanks
Ask the person straight out. You were close enough to lend money so can't see why you wouldn't ask. Can I ask what sort of employment case is being brought to the High Court? Is he appealing an Appeals Tribunal warning on point of law? Most employment disputes are dealt with at EAT and circuit court level.
With Sunny on this one.

This case does not ring right. Ask him for proper update,
If you are still not happy and if he is sueable do so,
Or just forget about it .
These are your choices !