Overseas condo Crippling Mortgage

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I have a condo overseas thats causing me a lot of stress and financial hardship. Im paying a whopping $2300 per month at around 12pc interest rate, outstanding debt of around 115k and will terminate in 73 months time. The current value is around 150k which may jump to around 200k whenever they get the building finished, could be 6, 12 months time. Its a financing deal with the owner of the complex. Currently Im having real trouble with my tenant, hasnt paid the rent and who knows when he will leave so dealing with that legally. Ive tried to get the high interest reduced to no avail. So Im wondering whats the best decision for me to take at this stage. Im barely making ends meet here and facing 6 years of hardship ahead. Would I be better off just walking or riding out the tenant situation to see what happens. Appreciate very much any feedback
What country is it in...?, If it's the U.S. then financing options for you as a non national are unavailable, it seems you are availing of developer finance which became common over recent years, the rate that applies is unattractive but I guess you are locked in, did you sign a contract that outlined the interest etc..?
Its in Costa Rica. Yep have a contract with the developer with the 12pc interest tied in
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