Overpay to use CC for larger purchase?

Gordon Gekko

Registered User

I want to purchase something using a Mastercard purely to avail of a discount that is only available to Mastercard holders.

It's quite a bit more than my credit card limit.

If I pay that amount on to my credit card, creating a surplus, can I then use the credit card?

e.g. zero balance and limit of €500

Item costs €1,000

"Pay" €1,000 towards credit card and buy item.

Presumably that's okay?
That's all reasonable... I once paid for surgery using my credit card and the cost was greater than my credit limit, therefore I credited my card with funds and then paid.
In fact, it used to be the way that you could make cash withdrawals using your credit card if the card was in the black without attracting a cost (since you weren't actually availing of any 'credit').
I was told by my Visa card issuer that loading the card was risky. If the card was scammed then the amount loaded would not be covered. Obviously if you are going to put the money on the card and then immediately purchase the item that won't be a problem though.
What you are looking to do will work fine. However, there are advantages to using a credit card that don't apply when you load it up front. emeralds above mentions one. Another is that if you don't receive the goods you paid for with a credit card, your credit card company will refund you the money. This doesn't happen if you transfer money onto your card. You should try and get your credit limit increased. As long as you're sensible and don't go wild buying crap you can't afford then you'll be fine.