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hi i am new in buisness and i was wondering what length i would have to be with a bank to get an overdraft of about €20,000

We're with our bank for about 5 years, never been in the red, with perfect accounts and fully tax compliant. Despite all this, we're finding it pretty difficult to get an overdraft from our bank. They want loads more info.

I don't think length of time with the bank is the main determining factor.

My wife can easily get €12k on her credit card though, no questions asked.
When I started my business NIB gave me a €15k overdraft on day one based on guarenteed sales of about twice that for year 1 of business and a business plan showing good growth over years 1 and 2. The overdraft was for an indefinite period.
You will get an overdraft immediately if you have security to give the Ban. Otherwise a business plan needs to be submitted together with your personal business history.
thats very true, the bank wanted my house as a secuirty for a 20k overdraft....i dont bloody think so!
Contemporary, if you have a decent amount of equity in your house you should have offered a personal guarantee. Better for you and better for the Bank as no court will ever take a family home away from a creditor of a financial institution for a simple debt.
Contemporary. Good to hear that you stood your ground. I am not sure what tyype of business you are in, but I am so sick of Banks penalising people that are killing themselves running a decent business and on the other hand giving finaqnce to thos who couldn't give a damn for cars which are depreciating the day you drive them out of a garage and 100% mortgages to persons who are simply laughing at the banks.