overdraft facility fee...free banking?

Check the terms & conditions of your account and the tariff of charges that apply. Some accounts charge no fees on day to day transactions but may still charge for extra services such as this. Also check out the cost surveys on www.itsyourmoney.ie
"Free" banking usually only refers to free transaction charges. In the past you would probably have paid for ATM withdrawals, lodgements, Laser transactions, the lot.
Some banks will offer free overdrafts up to a specific amount, e.g €300. Ulster Bank are one bank, it's worth shopping around to see what else is on offer.

But to answer your question, yes, it probably is correct that you were charged a 'facility fee' of €25 by BoI. This will more than likely be charged on an annual basis while the facility is in place (i.e. until you cancel it).
The O/D facility fee of €25 applies annually, unless you're a student or a Golden Years customer. Pick up a leaflet in your local branch. Free banking means free of fees....it doesn't mean completely free of any charges.