Overcharged on Fees by AIB


Registered User
I just got my Fee Advice for my business account from AIB, was charged €57.60 for Notes Paid Out @ .45 per €100 and was puzzled. The actual transaction was a straightforward credit transfer to my personal current account in the same branch and there were no notes paid out. I contacted the bank and they said it was a mistake and the money would be credited.
This would be fine but for the fact that the same bank and branch also made the same "mistake" on a credit transfer between my accounts a few years ago. So, I say to all AIB customers, check your bank statements.......

Check out the Jim Bolger court case against his bank to see about banks consistently overcharging. Everyone should check their bank statements minutely. They have special financial whizz kids to dream up new way of 'over'charging without the customer realising.