Over pampered Londoner on Show Me The Money

Re: Brendan's Figures

Zag, all the credit card statements I've seen have a customer account number that isn't the same as the card number.

All of my PTSB VISA statements have the card number printed on the right hand side above the credit limit and interest rates.
Coffees are expensive in the Eden restaurant.

Did Eddie actually buy that brown coat? Maybe HE needs counselling?.
Re: Brendan's Figures

All my BOI statements have the card number and all the work NIB ones also have the card number.

I do agree that it is usefull security measure to have an account number which is *not* the card number, so that the card number doesn't have to appear in the post every month.

Re: Account number != Card Number

They're different on my MBNA statements but the same on my BOI one. I'm shocked to discover this and will write to them to complain.
card number and expiry date

Does the expiry date also appear on the statement? Would someone not need that too to make transactions on the card?
Protocol's dress sense

"I use two pairs of shoes"
Protocol, you will find that gloves are far more comfortable on the hands, unless of course you are a horse.
Re:Economising - Coup d'Etat

Just caught up with this on VCR last night. Did I hear correctly that she moved in with boyfriend at the end of the show? If so, I think she saved enough rent to splash out on the Mazda! She seemed like one self indulgent head in the sand girl. I remember when......

Slim 8)
moving in with boyfriend....

does moving in with ones boyfriend mean that you no longer have any bills/rent etc. I thought that at least have cut the bills 50/50.....Did they boyfriend now pay for everything leaving her with surplus cash!

where would you find a boyfriend like this???
Having watched Nicola - I was shocked at the amount of money she was frittering away! Speaking as a twentysomething girl, I would not waste my money on so much junk... and to make matters worse... when she finally DOES manage to save some money... what does she do??? She decides to blow it on a car?!? *ARGH!!!*

What makes this episode all the more disappointing is that there are posts in this forum from other female AAM participants who applaud this girl's obscene spending behaviour... and having watched the show, felt the urge to go out and spend, spend, spend!

Girls... will you ever shake off the ol' bimbo shop-a-holic image, and instead portray an image of successful, money-manager by NOT condoning this girl's spending habits.

I'm going out now to buy a pair of nice red shoes and a sporty mazda....save for a house? Sure I'll get that when I win the Lotto.
Re: Spend

What about the old woman who LIVED in a shoe? Women - eh? :rolleyes

"Women - eh?"

Can't live with them, can't live without them.

Would have to say costantly though of Imelda Marcos when I saw all the shoes. Talk about out of touch with reality. The denim jacket/pink feather boa said it all!

All the same Dublin Bus had a lot to answer for stoppin' so close to the temptation of Grafton St. etc. :rolleyes
On the wrong show?

I'm starting to think that Nicola would have been better off on an 'Off The Rails' special on looking good for less, with more practical advice on wardrobe streamlining, inexpensive beauty treatment alternatives etc. Realistically speaking, someone who spends so much on her image will have a hard time cutting back unless some alternatives are offered.

I used to buy a fair amount of clothes in my twenties (or at least what I thought was a lot before I saw last weeks show-it was nowhere near what Nicola was spending), but I don't drink or smoke and you have to have some vices. Thankfully the curse of wide feet keeps my shoe purchasing impulses in check....:b

Aquila you've sparked this vision of a 6ft Prop-like woman with "Big Bones" - you know plenty left on the BMI scale after deducting normal scores, after all big feet are needed to prop up big structures. Look at the Eiffel Tower.
Re: Above

The denim jacket/pink feather boa said it all!

I've often marvelled at that page in the (Thursday?) Indo magazine in which various women on the street (er, not in THAT way ... ahem) describe their clothes, style, preferences and how much they spend on clothes a week. It's often a matter of several hundred or sometimes a few thousand quid a month - even for the students! Oddly enough it's usually the ones who spend the most who look the worst. I guess that old Dolly Parton line has a ring of truth to it: "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap". :lol
Re: Can't Save, Won't Save!

I'm only five foot three (with size 5 feet), but enough OTness for today....:lol