Over 21 ID Required?


Registered User
Hi all,

A bar has recently opened in our town. After 9pm the bar is over 21 only. Is this legal? I know the drinking age is 18, but under the intoxicating liquor Act Ammened in 2003 did this change that a bar can go over 21 if it wants to as long as it is over 21 all the time?

Thanks for your help
I understood that they couldn't discriminate based on age - Check with the Equality Authority to be sure.
Spotted an article in the Indo yesterday where 3 ladies took a claim for age discrimination against a well known Dublin pub. They claimed they were discriminated against for being too old.
OK have found the answer. Under the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 you can be refused to be served as long as there is a sign cleary stating that the bar is over a certian age and it is imposed on a fair manner ie you can't refuse to serve men under 21 but you would give women.It has to be the same for every one.

Thanks for your help