Outstanding balance of Land Registry Fees


Registered User
I purchased an appartment in 2003 closing the sale in Deceomber 2003. I recieved a letter in the post today from my solicitor saying that there was an outstanding balance on my account in relation to an underpayment of land registry fees. of about 150 euro.

My original bill December 2003 has a Land Registry fee of 685 Euro. which was not subject to VAT. (Which I paid)

In addition to the Land Registry fees I paid Search fees, Copy Folio and File Plan and Comissioner for Oaths Fees.

Can anyone shead any light on how the over payment arose.

Also I had to go into the solicitor in February 2008 to complete some paperwork.

I am not sure if this related to land registry and the fee is a result of a delay with the solicitor.

Can anyone tell me if it would be usual to come looking for more of a land registry fee, and if the cost of land registry would have increased by 150 euro between 2003 and 2008.

Any advise would help me before I take this up with my solicitor.

I also found out lately that the Solicitors are still in position of the deeds, not the bank.

Was it a new apartment or did you purchase it for a previous owner?

Land Registry fees for a new apartment are generally €85 as the vast, vast majority of apartments are held under leases. That fee will include registration of the mortgage, so the only extra Land Registry fee might be for a copy folio with map which is €25.

If it was bought privately from a previous owner, and the original lease was registered in the Land Registry it will be based on the purchase price, with a possible addition of the mortgage (€125), release of the previous mortgage (€25) and copy folio (€25).
The schedule of fees are set out here.

Edit: Fees haven't changed since 2002
Thanks J26, Great Information

It was a new apartment that I purchased for 250K

Going to print out the page you linked to and ask the solicitor how he came to charge almost 840 for land Registry Fees.

Looks like it would be hard to get it to 100.

Can a solicitor add a margin to land registry fees, or do they have to pass them on to you at cost. Their professional fees being their profit.