Outsourcing - good or bad idea


True Blue

Is outsourcing a good or bad idea for the economy that loses those jobs?
Outsourcing per se doesn't have anything to do with an economy losing jobs, e.g. Bank of Ireland recently outsourced some of their IT function to HP, but the jobs are remaining in Ireland, at least for now (though if the outsourcing leads to higher productivity this may also lead to some jobs being "lost".).

I don't think you can talk about it being "good" or "bad" in a general way. Outsourcing is currently in vogue, particularly in IT. It is probably used more often than appropriate by companies climbing on the band-wagon in order to appease their shareholders.

Bank of Ireland is an interesting example, as the function now being outsourced (ITSIS) was originally a separate joint-venture company which was "insourced" in the 90s!
But what about outsourcing to India?

What do you think of American companies moving their locations in Ireland to India or where call marketing firms open locations in India instead of Europe?
Re.Call centers

These are low tech jobs that don't add value to the economy and costs being so heavily weighted towards labor, it was inevitable that they would be the first to go.....
Re: Re.Call centers

I recently left a company who were outsourcing all their highly technical development work to India!

The rationale for outsourcing is to get someone who has the critical mass and experience and efficiencies that one lacks to do the task oneself.

In fact, most companies and individuals outsource the vast majority of their requirements e.g.

Cars - very few companies make their own cars
Computer hardware
Generic software

etc. etc.

I admit that the term is generally associated with situations where "insourcing " is a viable or maybe more common alternative.

I have always felt that, much as I am a republican at heart, we should outsource most of our civil adminstration to say the UK which has vast economies of scale over a littele country like ours. Put another way (although I stand to be corrected) I presume the ratio of civil servants to the population is much lower in the UK than in Ireland.

"The rationale for outsourcing is to get someone who has the critical mass and experience and efficiencies that one lacks to do the task oneself."

Actually the rational for outsourcing is usually, "look, thsoe feckers acoross the water will do this for a bowl of dog food and the promise that we won't kill his wife and we're paying Paddy 50 grand for the pleasure. We must be mad!!"

Incidentally, cars, electricity and telephones weren't viable jobs the last time I looked...although I always fancied the idea of being a telephone myself. Brrring brrrinng (me practicing to be a telephone!) :D