Outside lighting how much light do you need?


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We are nearing the end of our self build and the electrician wants to put in the cabliong for the outside lights.
We have a plot of .66 of an acre and no street lights.
I feel like we will need a good few outsdie lights, we already have sensor lights and spotlights all around the house and will have two lights at the entrance pillars but in the garden itself and the driveway, how many lights would be needed both for security purposes and for aesthetics.
Anyone who lives in a rural location I would appreciate your feedback.
I don't want it to look like a football stadium but neither do I want to arrive back to darkness in the winter...

we have .75 acre and - after drawing up the wish list - ie 2 lights at the gate one at the front door -
garden designed to the back so lights did not need to be changed even though we did not do the landscaping yet the lights are in place. Then we priced and reduced the price via changing the fittings. We allowed approximately 6k but that was just us. Cheaper obviously means less.

ps get the switches put inside and some outdoor sockets put out the back

hope this helps
I like the lights under the soffit. Saw one where the lights were soft and it was nice. Then at Christmas/ St Patrick Day etc time change bulbs colour to suit the occasion like they do at Empire State Building in New York
The house lights are taken care o really, we do have those lights you refer to, and also bigger sensor lights but I mean lighting for the actual garden and driveway etc.
This will be my first time ever living outside the realm of street lights and I know I will crack my neck trying to do tasks like putting out wheelie bins without adequate lighting....
Surely you have enough lights already, are you expecting to wear sunglasses in the winter or do you think you might forget where the house is? Unless you want to play football in the dark during the winter the lights you have and a flashlight in case the dog hides your car keys in the hedge are more than enough.
Just a thought

Are you building a shed, if you are it may be worth your while to get your current electrician to put in connecting wires, box or something to later wire the shed.

Having grown up in the country, and now living there again. I think you should have wiring to install a light on all four sides of the house. Not mad bright ones, but it should be an option. Be careful with the lights on your driveway. The can be very dangerous in the countryside

When driving at night they sometimes look like very bright headlights on the wrong side of the road, have had a few near misses with imaginary cars.

Best of luck with the country living
Deem you know I was actually worried about that as we will be living on a very narrow twisty country road and I want to ensure our lights are well stepped back from the road.
Thanks for the goos wishes I am looking forward to it in one way but wondering how much change it will bring in another.