Outside Clothes Line Shelter


Registered User
I have been looking on google to try find outside clothes line shelter , did see a few but prices are really expensive, standard 3 bed house back garden so not big.
Anyone have an outside clothes line shelter or have any ideas on how to hang clothes outside when it is raining. thanks
If you have a side entrance the usual option there is to cover that in but even doing that can sometimes work out quite expensive unless you try to do it yourself.
Side passage might be good option even if not covered, buildings and gutters would take worst of rainfall and gap between building would act as a wind tunnel and aid drying. But nothing beats getting laundry in direct sunshine.
Lennon clotheslines in Monaghan, I have one loads of options for different size houses , I stopped using my dryer 3 years ago all because of the drying unit and it's a big way of reducing your electricity bill .
Another vote for dehumidifer.

Having said that, if you dont have the spare room / utility space, who wants to be looking at wet laundry indoors.
Checked out Lennon clothesline as suggested and prices really expensive, I am getting attic insulated and better venting, ideally for drying attic space would be perfect as we do not have it converted and it is 99% empty, or is this crazy idea? So a dehumidifier help with the drying process as currently have clothes rack in kitchen. Just annoying tbh.
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Important to watch humidity indoors if drying clothes .... Yes dehumidifier is way to go and also deal with other sources of vapour such as cooking/showers. Have some window open especially when sun is out. Really it is just 4 mths of the year that outdoor drying is bad.... better if you can position clothes line to get direct sun.