Health Insurance Outpatient limits


Registered User
Quick question regarding outpatient limits with VHI in particular. I know outpatient includes GP visits, consultations etc (basically you’re not staying overnight in a hospital)

HOWEVER, what about if I get a small surgery and don’t need to stay overnight? Does this cost go towards the outpatient limit or not?
The policy booklet terms and conditions should clarify but I think that such day patient procedures would be treated as in-patient expenses by most or all policies.
Oh wait, it says:
* These benefits are not subject to the annual maximum
**These benefits are not subject to the annual excess or annual maximum

And then for example:
Public 1 & 2 hospitals
• Day care, side room, semi-private & private accommodation

(Note not having a *)

Does that mean if I get surgery in a hospital that is a day case and it’s €5000 then I’ll have to pay €1800?!
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