Outlook Express prompting me to 'compact'


Registered User
I have been saying no though on the last few occasions.

Is there any disadvantage to saying 'no' to this or will it eventually just compact anyway?

If I do a big clean up (e.g. 1000s in my inbox and sent items) will it stop prompting me?
I said no a few times and then Outlook Express wiped out every single one of my emails, so I'd go with the compacting. Although I had backed up my emails, I haven't been able to restore the folder yet.
Oh no!

That's what I was afraid of. I've created folders within OE for loads of sent and received emails that I'll need to keep for a while - do you know if these are also regarded as 'compactable' or can I/should I move them out of OE completely?

Problem is, when compacting before, I lost quite a few random emails as well.

Will they be safe in my new folders or do I have alternatives?
