outlook express problems



I have having a lot of trouble tonight with internet connections etc. my usual isp is piggysurf and my email address is also xxxxx@piggysurf.com. I usually connect via a hot key on my keyboard but tonight I am getting message the host piggysurf.com could not be found etc . I used up dial connection a few times but got disconnected a few times as well. I am currently using IOL for this and I can read mail now as well. Obviously some setting has been changed. When in outlook and accouts something called bigfoot directory is coming up as the place where I appear to be 'stuck' on. I can see the pop piggysurf heading a few lines down and also its shown as default. the set as default bar is 'greyed' out
Who or what is bigfoot and what is a directory service ?
outlook express

Sorry, I cannot access my email from IOL.
Re: outlook express

Who or what is bigfoot and what is a directory service

A directory service is a bit like a search engine except that it simply contains classified site/contact links. Yahoo! is a well known example of a directory service (even if it also a search engine). Bigfoot is simply another one. Without more information (e.g. the specific error messages that you see) it's hard to make a stab at explaining the cause of your problems. Have you done the usual checking for viruses/parasites as per the link at the top of this forum just in case?
Re: outlook express

Apologies Clubman. very red faced setanta. a) on tuesday evening I ran pestpatrol a spyware/adware program b) Microsoft also came in with their regular update thingy and setanta picked a few of the shorter and more revelant updates and c) on reading a poster who was having problems with his emails and after reading the responses he got nosey setanta then went into his email settings to 'have a wee look' Some of the upgrades and the pestpatrol installations required a closedown/startup but of course Setanta carried on in the knowledge that he was going to close down anyway and restart on Wednesday. So when during startup on Wednesday an error occurred ( which I had never seen before) and then when I could not access my emails or my hompage panic set in. Setanta was sure he had done somthing to 'upset' a perfect relationship with his computer.Everything appears ok this evening however and (hopefully) it was piggy the little porky who was at fault. dont really know to be honest. last nights message was something like this 'please check you have entered the server name correctly -pop.piggysurf,com server poppiggysurf.com pop3 port 110 secure (ssl)no socket error 11011 error 0x800ccc0d or something similar. Anyway touche the 'hot key' tonight and through first time so maybe ok now. But I was very greatful for that IOL connection I used before joining Piggysurf as my ips. Maybe should use it once or twice a month just to keep it current. Apologies and thanks
Re: outlook express

Sorry - I'm a bit lost now. Is there a question in the above post?
Re: outlook express

a long winded apology for wasting your time.