Outgoing Taosigh has given a losing FF TD a senate job for a few weeks?


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I read a snippet of news about a FF TD who just lost his seat in the current election has been given a senate seat by the outgoing toasieach for a few weeks? Is this possible? Was there a vacancy?

In a word "shameful" if true. I hope its a mistake or error.

Yes. Darragh O'Brien. A failed TD in the recent elections. Cowan hopes to give him a leg-up in the Seanad elections. As you can see, we have a new type of politics from FF which pretty much looks like the old one.
Yes. Darragh O'Brien. A failed TD in the recent elections. Cowan hopes to give him a leg-up in the Seanad elections. As you can see, we have a new type of politics from FF which pretty much looks like the old one.
What did Micheál Martin, the leader of the party, publicly say on this matter?

Not sure if he said anything about it Marion. But it would be hard to imagine O'Brien getting the nod without his approval. If he did approve this, then it smacks of the usual style of poltics from FF.

All RTE reported on it RE Martin was :

I can only say "uughhhhh" . BIFFO has indeed no shame and it proves my contention that he would have hung on and on if he could get away with it. The only consolation is he has gone for good.

When you consider that this same man allowed 3 TD constituencies to remain unfilled for over a year BUT could not allow one less senator for 2 or 3 weeks.

To treat people who expressed the democratic view that they did not want this TD with such contempt is appalling.

Does this guy have to stand for election or is he in for life?

We are a disgrace and with carry ons like this I cant see the IMF/ECU taking a lenient line with anything and to be honest who can blame them.

I am gutted so soon after an election that they can rub our noses in it with impunity.

He will still have to stand for election. Altho you can probably write off Cowan, I think FF will carry on "carrying on". As one commentator said on radio yesterday, they're a bit like Vampires they keep coming back.