Outfit for my 80-year old mother


Registered User
I'm at my wits end trying to find a suit - preferably a trouser suit in Cork city or county for my mother, who is 80 this month. She's fairly average size - size 14 or 16 (short leg size). She misses Cashs shop and has absolutely no time for Brown Thomas, who took over the shop!! Can anyone advise me? We're also planning a trip to Limerick so maybe someone could recommend a shop there. Fingers crossed!
There's a couple of nice places in Newcastlewest including Ela Maries and I would recommend a trip to MacBees in Killarney. Both of these shops would carry the 'good' suit that the mature lady might prefer. Not cheap of course and both of them also have some outrageously priced clothes too but she will find a good cut, good fabric etc in both of those. Plus on the bright side both carry some fairly funky designer stuff for the younger woman too. Was in Ela Maries a few months back and saw some Rock 'n Republic jeans, the Victoria Beckham ones, missoni dresses etc I almost fainted at the prices, mind you!
Thanks Vanilla. She'll probably freak when she sees the prices so! On the other hand, she's been looking for so long that if the right suit turns up she might just buy it and put me out of my misery! Hmm..I quite fancy a trip to Killarney....
Thanks Vanilla. She'll probably freak when she sees the prices so! On the other hand, she's been looking for so long that if the right suit turns up she might just buy it and put me out of my misery! Hmm..I quite fancy a trip to Killarney....

Take her for a nice lunch beforehand and make sure she has a glass of wine or a brandy afterwards. I find this helps considerably in reducing objections...
nolo77, at 80 years of age tell your Mom that she's entitled to spend her years pension on a suit if she fancies!
I find Eastex (in Debenhams and elsewhere) great for my 86 year old mum who can't make it to the shops herself any more.
The CreScent Shopping Centre in Limerick, located about a half mile from the Regional Hospital as you come in to Limk from Cork, has several shops that may have clothes to suit your mother. Try JR'S, Shaw's, The Blue Cloak and Sally West. In the city ,located on Roches' St. try Helene Modes or Eve's. These latter are expensive but have lovely stuff. There is also a nice shop in Bedford Row which is a pedestrianised street opposite Brown Thomas.Best of luck
Thanks to everyone who took the tiime to reply. The Crescent Shopping Centre sounds like a good place to start.