outfit for afters of wedding? help needed!


Registered User
hi gang,

have been asked to the afters of a wedding and have no idea of what to wear. Ive only been at one where i was the bridesmaid so had outfit sorted.

TBH I cant stand dresses because i have not got the shape. But if it ment looking nice id wear one..or would a nice suity type thing do? Its driving me mad at the min, just cant seem to find anything..and im dreading turning up in a suit or trousers and a nice top while all the other girls are in dresses.

I wonder if i went to a few shops would they be able to help me, if anyone knows any good shops around the midlands, or near dublin/galway it would be great help as theres not alot where i live. I also want to feel comfortable for the night as hate wearing high heels and feeling awarkard anyone with me?

Thanks alot.
Have been at a few weddings this summer, there is no need to wear a dress a nice top and trousers is fine.... maybe not a suit!!!!! not jeans!!!!
http://www.debenhamsweddings.com/site_services/store_list.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=130533&bmUID=1190564668828 (Debenhams) and AFAIK Marks and Spencer have personal shoppers who can give you some guidance on buying an outfit.

Personally I think you should only wear what's comfortable and makes you feel good, be it flat heels or a suit. Always feel these days that anything goes.
Just got married a few weeks ago and from what I heard on both sides of the wedding front is that the best shops to go to for wedding outfits is either in NewCastle West in Limerick or Banagher in Offaly. Not sure what the names of the shops are but I am sure they would be easy to find in either case.

Thank God outfitting us men is a lot simpler.


From what I have heard the staffs in both look after all types of taste provided they are not tied on the time front.
No need to be worried about what to wear to a wedding afters. Something smart should be fine. Nice trousers and top is perfect - not jeans (as stated before). Black trousers and a black top always looks well with some nice accessories - shoes, bag, jewellery.

No need to go OTT - it is only the afters not the full wedding you are going to!
Wear whatever you would wear if going out normally, just not jeans..... Be comfortable and smart and feel good.
Agree with previous posters - nothing too dressy. Think "smart casual" - whatever you would wear if you were going out for a meal in a nice restaurant. If trousers and a top are your thing, go with that and accessorise with snappy shoes and bag - there is some great dressy jewellery out there at very reasonable prices. A pashmina/light wrap can really dress up a simple outfit.

Have a chat if you can with others who are invited to the afters and check out what they are wearing if that helps you.

They have asked you for yourself and not for what you are wearing, so enjoy.
nice pair of smart black trousers and a nice top, something glamorous for the top - that youd only wear to a fancy do.

There will be plenty of other women not in dresses, not everyone likes to wear a dress.

Go for nice handbag, wrap, jewellery for a bit of glitz.

M&S have some lovely classy tops, could be teamed with nice trousers.
Flat and low heel shoes are really in these days so you should have no problem finding something. The time of the year is a big question as well, you could get away with a smart pair of boots in the winter time. Accessories can be a great way of jazzing up an outfit for a wedding. If you still feel you need something extra to feel right, mayge get your hair styled for it? Might be a bit much just for afters and personally I never get my hair done - but I can see how for some people it adds that extra bit of glamour.
Don't panic at all about the afters. All the style is shown off at the church and at the drinks reception before the meal. After dinner, most women lose the high heels and get into their flip flops or flats for the dancing.

Don't bother buying anything new. I went to an afters recently and just wore a simple black dress, nothing fancy at all. Few accessories as mentioned, and you'll be sorted. Smart trousers will be fine.

Enjoy the dancing!!