Outdoor team task


Registered User

Im looking to organise a task (outdoor activity) for a group of people (8 approx) with the aim of getting them to work as a team to problem solve and achieve the completion of the set task/event. I would like the task to involve designating a leader, delegation, problem solving, and it should be a bit of a laugh as well. The task should take no more than 40-45 minutes.

I know there are companies out there who specialise in this type of leadership/teamwork training but we have a very low budget.

As an example one task that springs to mind is have one person with sight guide others who are blind folded to put up a tent - everyone must be involved in the task at the same time.

Any other ideas out there ?
As an example one task that springs to mind is have one person with sight guide others who are blind folded to put up a tent - everyone must be involved in the task at the same time.
I did that once - great fun but absolutely pointless in relation to learning anything from it. Basically party games for adults with the company paying some spoofer big bucks for it. We also watched 12 Angry Men later in the evening. I'm half sorry I left that company after only 7 months now...
Have been on some which involve things such as splitting into groups and coming up with an advert. which then had to be role played. The ads. were recorded and then played back for the amusement of the others. Absolutely nothing to do with the job but it was a good laugh.
we did one in wicklow where you were given a load of barrels and some rope and told to make a raft that would hold the whole team (about 6 or 8 i think) and then row out on the lake around a float and back to shore, disassemble the raft and run to the finish. We were the only team who actually managed to make the raft but when we sat on it we couldn't move. the other rafts just disintegrated. So, everyone laughed and headed back for the beers! This was paid for by our company, waste of time and money in my mind. it was a laugh, but you can get cheaper laughs!
Thanks all for the input. The group Im involved with are part of a voluntary organisation (hence the lack of funds)and Im aiming for something which will challenge them, be fun and easy to organise.

I have a few more ideas as well.

A bit of Orienteering in the sleet and snow usually sorts out the teams from the boys.....