'Out of Hours' claims by GP's


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In one case, a doctor who claimed €186,000 in back fees was offered a settlement of €15,000.

The HSE said that of settlement offers made to 264 GPs, 225 have so far accepted the payment.
The Irish Patients' Association has said the HSE should recover the money if any GP is found to have falsely claimed for out-of-hours care fees.
It also said the matter should be referred to the Medical Council.

Can someone explain to me why there has being no mention yet of the Gardai getting involved in this or will an investigation by the self regulation IMO be enough, this being Ireland after all, and we move on with the rotting system/status quo left in place.

I saw the various news coverage of this yesterday and just can't believe the laid back response from the media, the various representatives of medical org's. The lack of a response from the Minister for Health.

I don't know, perhaps I shouldn't let things like this annoy me as it's common place here. But they do...and I need somewhere to let off steam!
It's not just GP's, it's GP co-op's as well.
It's easy; a GMS patient presents at a GP surgery and is treated but the GP fills out the paperwork as if it was a home visit. It's easy money (though it is fraud).
Out of hours co-op's do the same thing.

Who would have thought it; "professionals" are prone to the same greed and human frailty as the rest of us!