Our Glorious Republic in World Top 10!!!!!!!!!!

I thought Brian Cowan was a BIFFO!
I was referring to Bertie, ...
Bertie's auld lad was a Corkman and (as the Kerryman says) so was his mother.

CJ was variously from Mayo, Kerry, Dublin or de Nort, depending on the babies (or asses) he was kissing or the pockets he was picking. Rumour has it he was a 1st cousin once-removed on his mother side of Margaret Thatcher's maternal grandmother, who was also a Corkman.
Remember Goodness Gracious Me? The guy who claimed that everyone and everything noteworthy was Indian?

Substitute Corkonian for Indian and this is the way this thread is going...
Remember Goodness Gracious Me? The guy who claimed that everyone and everything noteworthy was Indian?

Substitute Corkonian for Indian and this is the way this thread is going...

Must be the code. I'm lost

Him: My initial diagnosis
Rules out measles and thrombosis,
Sleeping sickness and, as far as I can tell,
Influenza, inflammation,
Whooping cough and night starvation,
And you'll be so glad to hear
That both your eyeballs are so clear
That I can positively swear that you are well,
Ja-ja, ja-ja-ja-ja.

Perhaps if sung by a Cork person in that beautiful lilting voice then all would become clear
except where ye fecken belong, parked on top of Hungry Hill surrounded be Kerrymen and the Atlantic. I must ring Jackie Healy Rae to see if he can get that road demolished or made one-way...

'Theres no way in the wide earthly world can I do that' Jackie Healy Rae