Our first medal.

3 medals.

I believe the unofficial target in the sporting community was that 3 medals in at least 2 sports would make this an extremely successful games for the Irish team.

Looks like we have a great shot in tomorrows showjumping final, so could end up exceeding the target.

To play devils advocate here - none of underwater photos conclusively show Cavic actually touching the wall. They show him about to touch the wall and having his hands closer to the wall than Phelps at that time, but never actually touching the wall. Cavic also appears to be at full stretch at this time, whereas Phelps isnt. Is it possible that Cavic reached too early and didnt quite reach the wall?

The second photo on the website with the circles doesnt show anything due to the angle it is taken at. Phelps could well be touching the wall at that point - but lower in the water than Cavic - thus further away from the black line at top of pool - check out the perspective on the photo. This is one of those classic photos in sport which when looked at from another angle tell a very different story.

Finally, I'm sure that the timers work on pressure exerted on them. They would need a certain threshold of pressure to record a time - to account for the fact that water in a pool moves lapping up against them. Its possible that Cavic did touch first, but the pressure he put on the timers wasnt sufficient to activate them. I would guess that somewhere in the small print in swimming rules is something to the effect that a certain level of pressure must be exerted to have a time recorded.

I'm not a fan of Phelps and the whoopla surrounding him and I agree with the posters who say 4 swimming = 1 track & field and butterfly is no different to having e.g. 100m with flapping arms. But just putting some views out that certain camera shots can sometimes lie.
I think its a great achievement that Kenny Egan won a medal. I see the dedication that the trainers in Neilstown boxing club put into the younger kids there, and as most weekends you see the trainers and the kids out around Clondalkin doing their training jogs (in all weathers) The kids love it and a medal for the Club will give them all a boost!

I'm not an ardent fan of track and field or swimming but this constant belittling of the swimming results makes no sense. To say that the butterfly is akin to running whilst flapping your arms is so wide of the mark, has anyone who says this actually tried to swim a length of a pool doing the butterfly? Its a skill and a difficult one at that.
Our showjumper Denis Lynch is out of todays final. Seemingly 4 horses have tested positive for use of a banned drug. Seemingly this drug can be used as either a pain relief or for something very opposite, it is put on the horses hoof and has the effect of making the hoof sore so as when he touches a jump it causes pain and this makes the horse tuck his leg up more going over the jump.
If used for the wrong reason, very sad and foolish. I presume we'll hear a lot more as the day goes on. He was one of the favoutites to take a medal.
wonder if anyone heard the interview with Alastair Cragg on Drivetime sport? He was really really bitter about not having qualified for the fianl and said he'd blown it. He said he hadn't moved to the front when he ought to. He seemed really down at not making the final.

I was puzzled at this as I knew he had made the final as one of the fastest loosers. I later found out he'd done the interview after his race but before the second (slower) semi. No one expected he'd go through as a fastest looser. but he has.

I wonder if given this unexpected chance he can bring us home a medal?

I'd love to hear an interview with him after he'd found out he'd qualified!
I think we should not send an equestrian team to the Olympics again until they sort out the mess that appears to exist here regarding doping horses.

Two Olympics in a row, and Irish Showjumping is again disgraced.
It is a shame. It seems the story now is that it was an ingredient in a medication that was used on the horse's back for soreness or something. It could stay in the system for ages it seems. That being the case I feel really sorry for Denis Lynch. Saying that whoevers to blame for using this should have been well aware of what they were using especially knowing this horse would be competing in the olympics.
Just wondering why Jessica Kuerten did'nt compete this time, this guy went instead of her I think.

The fact remains that it is a banned substance. Ignorance is no defence. Like you say I can't understand how the rider and support staff allowed this to happen. Was it the same item for the four teams? All very strange.
They are saying that it is only a cream used for saddle soreness.

Now, where did we here this excuse before?....................was it the Tour de France the year they did all the drug busts?