OT rants about teachers, guards and other public servants removed (AGAIN)

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Secondary school teachers only have 18-21 hours a week of classroom time. They do not have to be in the building outside these hours. I am sure they have to do corrections etc but since they don’t have to be at work from 9-4 then those hours cannot be counted as working hours.

Where you friend lives and how long it takes her to get to work are irrelevant.
I was talking to a teacher recently who told me about his last staff meeting. At it, the first item on the agenda was if the October meeting could be moved an hour forward from 11am to 10am so the teachers could make their flights out of Shannon for the mid-term. I kid you not.
That was the first item. Not the kids or the school budget but the holidays of the teachers. He said his heart sank for his profession.
There were other teachers present when he said it and none were surprised.
highly educated?

u call a 3yr degree highly educated, give me a break

Perhaps this argument could be used by those people against future payrises. No payrise until you get smarter sonny!
I am sure they have to do corrections etc but since they don’t have to be at work from 9-4 then those hours cannot be counted as working hours.

Where you friend lives and how long it takes her to get to work are irrelevant.

I don't agree with the first point here. This work has to be done so it is working time.

I often read the million circulars/new prodedures that hit my inbox every week at home. I consider it work because reading about the latest way to reduce WTE's is not something I would choose to read.

I agree how long someone takes to get to work is irrelevant.
.... I am sure they have to do corrections etc but since they don’t have to be at work from 9-4 then those hours cannot be counted as working hours...

Nope - they are under no obligation to do any correcting at all. There is no compulsion to give students out of hours work.

All you need to do is not muck up horrendously to collect you €40k per annum by your early 30s or €60k by your 50s and then retire well before 60. All thanks to the farcical pay increments scale, which treats the best and the worst teachers the very same. No incentive to do well.

This is all before the excessive holidays and the nine "sick days", that this profession allows.

Difficult to see how these terms and conditions serve the interests of the student, the parents, or the hard pressed taxpayer
Nope - they are under no obligation to do any correcting at all. There is no compulsion to give students out of hours work.
i know of one teacher who for her leaving cert French class will not give them tests as this is a waste of time (probably of her own as she would have to correct them) - the first test they get is in the Mocks...her class are throwing out money on grinds to beat the band!

That is an absolute disgrace. Teachers like that would be fired in most countries - but no - not in the GBRI (Glorious Banana Republic of Ireland)

We wouldn't want to upset the unions now.......
Teacher training for second level takes 4 years minimum.

B.Eds are 4 yrs

Degree + H.Dip is a minimum of 4 yrs and in many cases is 5 yrs.

Many teachers have masters degrees and others have H.Dips in Special Ed or Guidance which is an extra 1 or 2 yrs.

22hrs! this is class contact time - But most teachers start at 9 and leave the school at @4.30 some leave earlier and others stay later.

No matter how well you know your material you have to prepare before taking a class and then the corrections / setting and correcting exams / teams / drama groups / after school extra classes - which is not part of the 22hrs. (Most teachers take their responsibility very seriously and get more stressed about their students progress than the students themselves - I've seen teachers breaking down in the staff room because their students are not putting in enough effort.

Teachers attend courses on weekends and mostly at their own expense.

And the only Christmas bonus I ever got was a 1 Euro scratch card.

The holidays are very good on that point I won't argue.

The pay rates need to be considered in the broader context. All across the board pay rates in Ireland have been very generous including social welfare. Goods and services are also very expensive. Is there any other country in Europe where you have to pay €200 to see a consultant for 10mins? I have no problem taking more pay cuts if the cuts are across the board.

I've worked in the private sector before I went into teaching and it took me six yrs to earn the salary that I had in the private sector. Its an intersting and rewarding job but it is a very demanding and sometimes very stressful job. I know other jobs are also stressful and demanding.

I've only recently started to notice your posts and I can honestly say, with respect, that I feel very sorry for you. You're full of anger towards the Public Service and especially teachers.

Did you have a bad experience in school? Were you treated badly by a teacher? If so, was it a teacher who mucked up horrendously? Did it happen while the teacher was in his/her early thirties or before the teacher retired prematurely?

A friend of mine had a lot of pent up anger and felt much better after counselling.

You seem to be blinded by anger. Only a few days ago, you went on a rant about public servants and ended up looking extremely foolish when it was pointed out to you by myself and another poster that you simply didn't know what you were talking about. And here you are making sweeping statements and tarring almost all teachers with the same brush.

It's the simplest thing in the world to come on to askaboutmoney.com and rant and rave and give out but, at the end of it all, to use your own words, those teachers will still be working short hours, drawing huge salaries, not correcting pupils' work or giving them out of hours work. And you'll still be angry!

A straight question to you. Why didn't you become a Public Servant? More to the point, why didn't you become a teacher? Please let me know.

If you had, you'd probably be much happier at this stage in your life and people like myself wouldn't be feeling sorry for you now.

I wish you well and I hope you find peace.

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