Oslo - prices and places



Does anyone have any tips on Oslo - stuff to do, places to see, things like that? I hear its €7 a pint and since we're gonna be doing a fair bit of boozing (trip for a soccer tournament with work) I'd be interested in hearing any ways around this - are there cheaper bars or cheap alcohol in supermarkets etc.?

But thats only the night time side of things - wanna make the most of the time there so if anyone can recommend some good sites to see or stuff to do that'd be great.
You heard correctly .. you can pay well more than €7 a pint without too much difficulty especially in nice waterfront area Akerbrygge (sp?) like the Oslo equivalent of the IFSC. Also if you thought Dublin Restaurant prices were bad .. wait until you see Oslo ... it's like think of a Dublin price and double it !

Cheaper booze ... as far as I know (like other nordic countries) off licences are a government run monopoly .. Can't buy anything stronger than weak beer in the supermarkets ... Drinking at home before going out is I think very common - there's also a "lively" home brewing tradition (as you'd expect with booze prices) - I think usually they'd drink at home before going out. Also remember as Norway is non-EU you can get proper duty free on the way there .. might be worth stocking up.

As regards things to see ... getting the boat around to the Museums with the Viking Longboats, the Kon Tiki raft and the Polar Exploration ships is worth doing for sure. There is also a pretty cool living museum with a reconstruciton of and old Norwegian village with real actors etc. All of these attraction are on the Bygdoy peninsula a mile or two to the west of the city ... in summer you can certainly get a boat there from town. Depending on the time of year you are there you can see/participate in winter sports right on the edge of town too .. i think you can almost get the Metro to the ski slopes... In general Oslo is a nice sized city .. quite small .. but as you'd expect very efficient transport etc. (the train in from the airport is fantastic but hideously expensive by the way .. there are cheaper buses)
Just to add to the above post - I was in Oslo around mid October a couple of years ago and the interactive village thing was open and most of the boat trips were available too.

Found it really expensive to eat out. There was one reasonable Italian with a queue out the door. Went to an Indian one night (in the basement of some place on the main street - can't remember the name) and it cost £84 (punt) - we only had one beer each!!!

Beer in a lot of places was around £7 per pint so I'd say now it's definitely around €10.

Really enjoyed the holiday though and I'd definitely go back.