Osama Bin Ladin is Dead

Apparently his last words were “Navy SEALs! I need this like a hole in the head.”
You have to wonder, though.

10 years. Trillions of dollars. Thousands of soldiers dead. State-of-the-art technology. And the US military finally tracks Bin Laden down.

In his house.
I wonder tho, if there are virgins in paradise what happens to em after they have (ahem) done their duty with the latest jihadi ? And do the women jihadi's get a few hundred stud -muffins, just to fair like?
I wonder tho, if there are virgins in paradise what happens to em after they have (ahem) done their duty with the latest jihadi ? And do the women jihadi's get a few hundred stud -muffins, just to fair like?
The virgins/houris are "ever virginal" - that is to say, they "revirginise" after the each "session".

There is no similar provision for women...
You have to wonder, though.

10 years. Trillions of dollars. Thousands of soldiers dead. State-of-the-art technology. And the US military finally tracks Bin Laden down.

In his house.

It was because the Playstation network was down!
I find it bizarre that there are people out there who are critical of the Americans for not arresting him.
I can’t see any up-side of not killing him and disposing of his body as they did.

If they had arrested him they special forces on the ground would have put themselves under considerably more risk trying to detain him and get him to a helicopter (rather than just getting themselves out alive) and then what, a trial?
That would take years, cost tens of millions and there would have been an up-surge in terrorist attacks all over the world while the whole thing was going on.

You may be right there csirl.
Another joke. Gardai (in a certain Dublin suburb) found:

"Bin dossin"
"Bin drinkin"
"Bin druggin"
"Bin messin"
"Bin scivin"
They have yet to find "Bin workin !"

Because once you think that its too difficult to prosecute someone under proper law, then surely you are looking at the breakdown of everything.

The law can be difficult, long winded and expensive, but its the law and if you break it because its too much hassle, then you are, imho, at exactly the same level as the terrorist.

Exactly the same level?

Let’s think about that for a minute;
The leader of a sovereign state used his constitutionally derived powers to sent troops to capture or kill a man wanted for the mass murder of thousands of civilians in the USA, Yemen, Kenya and Tanzania etc. The Americans didn't use a missile or bomb in order to minimise civilian casualties and so that there would be no ambiguity about Bin Ladin's capture or death.
Where's the moral equivalence?

If you think that a state that has been attacked by an international terrorist organisation can act as if it was a domestic criminal act and not an act of war then you are delusional. I think this soft minded attitude is so prevalent in Ireland because we've let others bleed and die to defend our freedom since the foundation of our state. Maybe that's why we take it so much for granted.