Orlando - Christmas Dinner


Registered User
My daughter and her boyfriend will be in Orlando for Christmas day and are only now looking about Christmas Dinner. Can anyone give us some advice/recommendations. I know it's a late call but thats offspring for you:) Thanks in advance
Afraid not. They are looking for the traditional turkey and ham or steak!
I have never been to the USA. A quick look on tripadvisor brings up 3,042 restaurants in Orlando. I selected Irish, British & German and it gave me 26. They are probably your best bet!
Tradition has it in the US that Chinese restaurants are the only ones open on Christmas day, enjoy the duck.
Steiner, thanks for your help. I have found that many of the trip advisor restaurants are booked up. The couple are now talking about making dinner in the Villa. Sustanon, I'm afraid the US have broken that tradition:)