Organising a fundraiser - advice appreciated


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Apologies if this is in the wrong section.

I am in the process of setting up a fundraising event with a few other people. We're aiming to hold an 'event' in the not too distant future with two benefactors (charities).

We're doing well so far on getting venue, entertainment, etc either at discounted prices or free altogether!

However, I am in the process of setting up the website for the event, and hope to have online ticket sales (for the event) and the option to donate online. Now we're not set up as a charity as we're a fundraising group for 2 charities, so I can't provide Paypal with any documentation to have an account with no fees on received monies (I believe this is what happens with charity accounts on Paypal anyway - correct me if I'm wrong). I've contacted Paypal to find out more but am yet to hear back from them.

What is the best way to gather the online payments, ensuring that fees are kept to a minimum - or avoided altogether?

All advice appreciated!
Do the two charities have websites where they could sell the tickets themselves on your behalf - saving you the hassle of dealing with all this for them?

It must be fairly massive for you to go to the trouble of setting up a website specifically for one event? I'm sure you have thought it through, but will your event be attractive to those who use the web and will the donation mechanism be more effective than simply setting up a dedicated bank account?

Certainly if you intend your website to be active on an ongoing basis with details of ongoing events and a constant 'click here to donate' facility, would it not be worth your while registering as a 'friends-of' organisation? The charities themselves could help you do that and then it would be more straightforward.

If its a one-off, I think the charities could usefully take care of all that for you because - as you've found - there are difficulties when you can't demonstrate that you are the charity.

I've never done it myself but do know of a charity that was trying to set up an online credit card donation mechanism a couple of years ago and it is complex.
Thanks for your comments Paulone.

As we have 2 charities, we want to share the funds raised equally, so having them accept the donations isn't an option.

Yes it is a large event, and it is being organised by an online community - hence the website and online sales. There will also be 'on the ground' sales, and donations accepted - as will bank transfers as we are also setting up a bank account and will have the details available.
At this stage neither charities are actually on, however we will be checking with them if they are ok with us adding their details on it so they will be contacted. However, again, we have to receive the funds first and then the charities will receive half of the totals, with mycharity afaik it goes to the charities!
The following website collects money (and sells tickets) on behalf of other organisations, I presume for a fee. They may be worth a try.

[broken link removed]
Just wanted to say thanks for all those who offered advice!

We now have tickets on sale for the event, and so far so good! After a bit more investigation, PayPal was a viable option for the online sales/donations side of things, and is working a treat (although anyone using this option pays an extra fee so the charities aren't losing any money to PayPal fees)!

Thanks again!