I ordered childrens shoes from this online sales company based in Swords in February, paid for by credit card, but still haven't received the shoes. I've tried to contact them several times by phone -(no-one ever answers) and by e mail (no replies). Has anyone ever heard of them or ordered anything from them?
The owner is John Keogh - his profile is here on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-keogh/1a/6a1/b3
Here is an alternative phone number to the one on the website - 0035318916658 (obtained from http://www.who.is/whois/itskidzbiz.com/)
According to this site its registered in Dublin ??
God, I hope I haven't been had......
There is a landline number on their website. When I call it I get a recorded message from someone called John Keogh saying he's not available to take a call,
geri they say they have a store in Wexford and from a quick check of Google Maps it seems to be next door to Wexford Insurance on South Main Street so you could be cheeky and ring them ((053)9122466 ) to ask them if they could pop next door and get you a phone number to ring! Bit Irish I know but hey no harm trying!