options to get to dublin airport from west dublin


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hi, hope to jet out for a week from dublin airport in a month or so. we live near lucan, so its not too far away. usually we park in quickpark and including tolls its about 55euro for a week. we might just use a taxi this time for a change costing 60 euro, extra fiver for faster extra convenience. there is a flybus from tallaght via lucan but its not convenient as we are not near the route.

now, I suggested to wife that why don't we ask her niece to drop us there and pick us up. she only lives 4 miles from us, and she works outside one day a week, is in her twenties,lone parent with 6yr old kid, has a small car. she would probably do it and we'd throw her 50 euro and she could benefit from this and buy petrol for two weeks out of that or do whatever with the 50euro. heres what the wife said...

"you couldnt depend on her to be there at 5.45am to collect us or to get us on our return at 4.30pm"

" she wouldnt get out of bed for 50 or even 60 euro"

now I am a bit miffed as my wife wont even ask her niece but as she knows her niece well (more like sisters) I just have to accept thats what her attitude is. I must be getting old, coz when I was 25 I wouldnt have turned down a chance for a handy 50 or 60 euro! also, the wife has previously dropped said niece to airport free gratis!
It would depend on your niece being reliable, and would she have to get the child up out of bed too? Sounds like a lot of hassle!
Yeah, its not just about the money. Asking the parent of a 6 year old to get both of them up at 5am to get you to the airport is a bit of an imposition. It would be nice if she were to offer of her own accord, to repay your wifes kindness to her, but I wouldn't hold your breath as to that happening at that time in the morning especially if she has a small child.

What about taking a taxi to the nearest train station and getting the airport shuttle service from either Connolly or Heuston station? Or check out the Bus Eireann website. They may have scheduled buses that serve Dublins commuter towns and the airport.
You must be almost in Co Meath if it costs €30 to get an airport (and same back) from your place to the airport.

There are firms out there that offer fixed fares. Ring around and find one

This niece is on her own and to bring you means getting the child out of bed at 5:15am at least to get ready and drive the four miles to get you at 5:45am.
€50 or walk your child close to 5am? When you were 25 and wanted a handy 50 euro you hopped in the car and away you went. But it's not the same at all
From the last time I took a taxi to the airport, it is about €30 for the trip each way. I also live in Lucan, but I have several children, so if we are travelling for a holiday it is much easier to use our own car as it has all the child seats in it, in spite of the cost of parking for two weeks. I recently traveled with work, and it was still cheaper to drive and park, as I was only going to be paying for parking for 4 days.
You must be almost in Co Meath if it costs €30 to get an airport (and same back) from your place to the airport.

I live a lot nearer the airport than Lucan and it still costs me about €22 if I call a taxi to bring me there. It's about €7 before I even start the journey during unsocial hours.
actually she doesnt have to get the child up at 5am or anything, she still lives with mummy, who is effectively a surrogate mum to the kid, bringing him to school etc and minding him when she goes out clubbing all weekend. The only 5am the kids mum sees is when shes coming home from some club or other.
i'll prob get a taxi for 60euro return , fare quoted , only slightly dearer than driving, tolls, and parking. at 20euro + into town, not worthwhile getting in and bussing it time and moneywise. 60euro is acceptable enough. thanks.