Options after work accident


Registered User
A relation of mine was in an accident at work 2 years ago and has been on Disablement benefit and Illness benefit since.
As a result of this accident his job with his employer is no longer in existence and he is unsure if he will be able to return to this type of work as a result of his injuries.

He is due some money from a claim for his injuries so he is wondering if any money he receives will affect the SW benefits he is receiving?

He feels now that he may be able for some light employment maybe in a part time capacity (to see how he holds up) but have FAS have said he is too old for anything related to the CE scheme (he is in mid 50's).
Does any one have any ideas what options are available to him - can he stay on Illness Benefit? Does part time work affect his SW benefits?

Any help advice is appreciated.
He is due some money from a claim for his injuries so he is wondering if any money he receives will affect the SW benefits he is receiving?

AFAIK, the first 20K is disregarded, thereafter 1euro is stopped for every 1K.

Does any one have any ideas what options are available to him - can he stay on Illness Benefit? Does part time work affect his SW benefits?

I would double check the [broken link removed], there does not seem to be an upper age limit for part-time work. There is also another programme, the Social Economy Programme. Most jobs are advertised on the FAS website.
If it is Illness Benefit that he is claiming, any monies received will NOT affect his payment as it is not means-tested.

If it is Disability ALLOWANCE he is being paid, that is means tested adn monies over 20k will reduce his payment by about 1 euro for every thousand above that amount.

If he wants to go back to work while on Illness Benefit, there are certaqin rules of behaviour that he must keep: he must notify SW of his intentions and have them approve the work, the work must be rehabilitative in nature and limited in hours (up to 20). I would question FAS again about courses other than CE schemes ...he sounds like retraining for other employment might suit him.

See here for other options after three years.

He is on Illness benefit and Disablement Benefit (50% disability).