Optical Illusion!


Registered User
I have had the wall between the old garage and the kitchen knocked out to make a large L-shaped kitchen and dining area. Unfortunately to make the floors level, the dining area part (previously the garage) now has a slightly lower than standard ceiling (approx 2.35m) and it is also quite a long and narrow.

Can you suggest any tricks with lighting and/or paint colour or decorating styles to make this room look taller and wider? I was thinking of strip lighting running parallel with the width of the room. Would this be effective? Should I use different shades on different walls also? Which sides should be lighter/darker?

All suggestions much appreciated!


Lighter shades will make the room more spacious looking. You could try using mirrors to reflect the light in the dining room end.
Vertical elements will also help- such as timber pannelling/ sheeting with a strong vertical element. Avoid dark ceiling colours or overly elaborate light fittings on the ceiling. Use small ("minimalist") skirting and use lighting to "wash" the walls with colour.