Opinions on PC brands


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I am toying with the idea of replacing my 9yo DELL desktop PC with a laptop. I've decided on an outline spec of an Intel i5 chip with at least 6GM of RAM.

In the past I've used DELL without any issue. I have a subjective bias against HP and Packard Bell devices and SONY appears to significantly more expensive than alternatives with equivalent specs.

I'm not familiar with Asus & Acer. Lenovo is, I believe, what used to be IBM.

What's the view on those 3 brands ?
You might be better off looking at the reviews and end user feedback on specific makes/models. I have had problems with desktops/laptops from almost all manufacturers. Dell desktops in particular have caused me no end of grief in work for the past 7 years. My current main private laptop is a HP and it has been very reliable for the past 4 years or so. Horses for courses, your mileage may vary etc.
When it comes to desktop pc's, 'brand' doesn't count for a whole lot. It's more a case of deciding what you need - and making comparisons based on specification. Some manufacturers such as dell - may have proprietary hardware - that can only be sourced directly from them - if you want to upgrade any aspect of pc at a later stage..
So far as brands go:

Laptop wise, while I would have opted for Dell and have done for a while my current Dell is starting to pack it in after only 3 years. I previously had a Sony Viao which was a terrible machine. Workwise I am using a HP and actually find it fantastic. Solid, reliable, not a problem and it's a few years old.

It's convinced me to opt for a HP for my next laptop and move away from Dell which I had purchased 1 Desktop and 2 Laptops off over the past 8 years.

Additional: I would be using the Laptop for Graphics, Web Design, Video Editing for home use so they would get a good run through. For the HP Laptop, it's work so it would be basic work applications and Office Suite. That being said, the HP one is on 8/9 hours day, spends a lot of time travelling and I can honestly offer up no complaints with regards reliability.
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I have owned an Asus for approx 3yrs now. Great machine. Never had a minutes bother with it.

Acer is a big sellign brand, and its laptops tend to be well reviewed.

Lenovo used to be IBM, and their models too get decent reviews.

I considered these 2 brands before I bought the Asus. The Asus had a 2yr warranty as opposed to1, and had XP instead of Vista, and thats what made me choose it over the other two.